<![CDATA[Cure Your Tooth Decay! - BLOG]]>Sun, 26 May 2024 17:12:45 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Stop Using Toothpaste!]]>Sun, 19 Jan 2020 07:02:09 GMThttp://cureyourtoothdecay.com/blog/stop-using-toothpasteI love collecting silver. I love sterling silver, silver plated copper or any antique electro-plated silver pieces, I love polishing silver and seeing the dark tarnish come off to reveal a sparkling, white luminescent silver underneath, how beautiful! When polishing silver there are two methods, if your piece is sterling silver which means it is solid silver, you can use calcium carbonate based polishing agents but if your piece is plated with silver, you never want to use calcium carbonate based polishing agents because it will slowly wear the silver right off, exposing the dull lead, zinc or yellow copper underneath. When polishing a silver plated piece you can use a special polishing cloth which is imbedded with oil. This got me thinking, why do we use calcium carbonate based polishing agents for our teeth when our teeth are not solid enamel but enamel plated with dentin underneath? Are we not wearing down our enamel plating like the silver plated pieces? Should we not be using oil as well like we do with our silver plated antiques? The majority of toothpastes including the natural ones are made with a base of calcium carbonate.  I wondered, is this why dentists with the exception of Dr.Weston Price endorse toothpastes? Dentists make money when your enamel is stripped down, when your teeth are decaying.  Some dentists just follow the system they are indoctrinated in but the people who have created this system know that the solutions they sell actually create more problems which in turn sell more of their "solutions", creating an endless funnel of your money.

When Dr. Weston Price travelled the world studying the healthiest cultures who experienced no tooth decay, he discovered that these cultures didn't own toothbrushes or use toothpastes.  Sometimes he would have to remove an oily green sludge from the teeth to reveal perfect decay-free teeth underneath.  This is contrary to what we have been told by the American Dental Association.  In fact this is what the ADA recommends:
  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled brush. 
  • Replace your toothbrush every three or four months, or sooner if the bristles are frayed. 
  • Make sure to use an ADA-accepted fluoride toothpaste.
If you check out the ADA website you will find them recommending a long list of very toxic products which are corrosive to your enamel. https://www.ada.org/en/science-research/ada-seal-of-acceptance/ada-seal-shopping-list
This organization is not interested in maintaining the strength of your enamel or in the inner nutrition required to strengthen the dentin inside the teeth. 
To have your product approved by the ADA, product manufacturers must pay a fee of $14,500 USD to have their product "evaluated" and an annual fee of $3500 USD to stay in the club. 
Do these fees seem strange and suspicious to you? The consumer pays these costs in the cost of their toothpaste which is designed and intended to wear away your enamel until the day the dentist gets to sell you some shiny new dentures.
Who is the ADA? Who approves these products? Who is getting rich from these exorbitant fees? The ADA made 132 million in 2014, they're raking in millions of dollars to approve and endorse products that gas your pineal gland, contain toxic ingredients which absorb in your salivary gland under the tongue and strip the enamel from your teeth.  
There is a much larger and more sinister picture at work here.
95% of the civilized population suffers with tooth decay, modern dentistry and the foods of modern commerce have created this pitiful condition the nation's teeth are in.  Teeth are a reflection of the inner body, If the teeth are rotting, the body is rotting. They are not separate from the rest of the system. 

To conclude, I have stopped using toothpaste and have switched to oil pulling and lightly brushing sometimes with a soft brush and coconut oil. The difference is remarkable.  After brushing with natural calcium carbonate based toothpastes my teeth felt "exposed" afterwards which is the only way I can describe it.  I could feel the subtle stripping of my enamel.  With the oil pulling or after lightly brushing with coconut oil, the teeth feel protected and smooth.  It's quite the contrast from the way I had been cleaning my teeth for 35 years previously.  I recommend tossing the toothpastes and protecting your teeth the traditional way by eating lots of animal fats and oil pulling with coconut or sesame oil.
Love, Kaleigh 
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<![CDATA[Avoid Lemons and ACV to Heal Your Teeth!]]>Sun, 30 Jun 2019 04:10:02 GMThttp://cureyourtoothdecay.com/blog/avoid-lemons-and-acv-to-heal-your-teethI've always noticed that immediately after consuming lemons, limes, oranges or ACV (apple cider vinegar), my teeth would feel "weaker" or thinner.  Below is a video by Foods4Health on healthy foods damaging your teeth, lemon and ACV are two of the foods listed.
Why do lemons and ACV cause tooth decay?
The danger apple cider vinegar poses to your teeth and gums comes from its high acidity. Braggs, the most popular brand of unfiltered and organic apple cider vinegar, clocks in with a pH level of 2.85. To put that in perspective, the pH scale runs from 1-14, any pH level lower than 7 is considered acidic. This puts ACV above soda, on par with lemon juice, and just under stomach acid and battery acid in terms of acidity.Anything highly acidic like soda, grapefruit juice or apple cider vinegar that comes in contact with your teeth will wear down the protective enamel on them, leaving you far more likely to get a cavity. Simply drinking apple cider vinegar leaves your teeth in a dangerous position, but treating it like mouthwash and intentionally washing the vinegar over all of your teeth is even worse which is what some people suggest.
If you like the benefits of ACV or lemon juice, try only eating them when you are eating seafood drenched in ghee or butter.
Dr. Ringer, a dentist in Anaheim, California recommends these tips for minimizing enamel loss while using ACV :
  • Dilute the apple cider vinegar shot in another liquid—preferably water.
  • Drink it through a straw so the vinegar doesn’t make contact with your teeth.
  • Don’t swish the vinegar around in your mouth.
  • Rinse your mouth out with water after you drink the vinegar.
  • Don’t brush your teeth immediately after drinking ACV.
  • Don’t eat or drink other acidic things—like orange juice, grapefruit, or tomatoes—immediately after ACV.
Personally, I prefer to try to avoid lemon and ACV as much as possible and if I do have some lemon juice I will make sure I consume plenty of calcium rich foods like raw cream or cheese immediately after.  I almost never consume ACV but I find it wonderful as a hair rinse or to rub all over sore muscles before a shower.

I hope this information helps your teeth become stronger and you feel better! Don't give up and EAT BUTTER!

<![CDATA[Why Do Grains Cause Tooth Decay?]]>Sun, 30 Jun 2019 03:37:13 GMThttp://cureyourtoothdecay.com/blog/why-do-grains-cause-tooth-decayGrains contain anti-nutrients called "phytic acid" or tripsin inhibitors.  Anti-nutrients in grains, nuts, seeds and beans block the absorption of minerals and cause the body to excrete more minerals than it could ever gain by eating those foods.
Agricultural diets produce populations with smaller frames and frail skeletons.  
You'll notice in Holland where they eat a lot of dairy they have large bones and skeletons.
When Weston Price was studying the groups who lived without tooth decay, they all had the ancestral knowledge that grains were dangerous and they need to be properly prepared in order to be consumed.  This would include fresh milling, soaking, sprouting, fermenting and sourdoughing.  These are the steps which eliminate the anti nutrients and turn the indigestible grains into nourishing foods.  I have found however that when you are trying to heal your tooth decay you have to avoid grains all together, even the properly prepared ones.  A traditional, ancestral style Keto diet is the best way to heal the teeth.

In 1937, University of the Witwatersand conducted a studycomparing crude and refined sugar and cereals and their ability to produce dental decay in the South African Bantu. They found these foods actually created displacement of Vitamin D and thus decalcification of the teeth, as Vitamin D is required for Calcium metabolism. 
The British Dental Journal 193, pages563–568 (2002) published an article showing that the frequency and amount of sugar consumed correlated with increased tooth decay. 
Grains and sugars are really your worst enemies in the fight against tooth decay and the anti nutrients which cause the excretion of your alkaline minerals, creates "the borrowing process".  This process is where your body starts borrowing its own alkaline minerals from the skeleton and teeth to maintain homeostasis in the blood.


Check out the video below by 'Exclusively NU' reporting on a study which demonstrates sugary cereals cause tooth decay. 

Starter pack 3
<![CDATA[Dr Weston Price Quote]]>Thu, 27 Jun 2019 03:07:10 GMThttp://cureyourtoothdecay.com/blog/dr-weston-price“We can now visualize our universe, its light, gravity and heat, its seasons, tides, and harvest, which prepare a habitation for the universe of vital forms, microscopic and majestic, which fill the oceans and the forests. We have a common denominator for universes within and around each other, our world, our food and our life have potentials so vast that we can only observe directions, not goals. We sense human achievements or ignominious race self-destruction. Every creed today vaguely seeks a utopia; all have visualized a common controlling force or deity as the most potent force in all human affairs. Yes, man’s place is most exalted when he obeys Mother Nature’s laws.”
–Weston A. Price, DDS
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