Foods That Cause Tooth Decay
Soda Pop
Soda Water
Reverse Osmosis or Distilled Water
Sweet or High Acid Fruits
Improperly Prepared Grain Products (breads, donuts, cookies, pastries, cakes)
Improperly Prepared Nuts & Seeds
Honey in Excess
Maple Syrup in Excess
Low Fat Meats
Vegan / Vegetarian Diets (low fat soluble activators)
Vegetable Oils (Canola, Sunflower, Safflower, Corn, Cottonseed Oil, etc) when no animal fats are eaten.
Processed Cheese
Vegan Cheese
Soy Protein and Fake Soy Meats
Seitan (vital wheat gluten)
Imbalanced Calcium/Phosphorus Ratio (too much grain/meat without enough dairy and calcium sources)
Zeolites / Clinoptilolite